Have you ever wonder if water can also be of different types? Yes, you read it right. Our body needs to be hydrated to work correctly. One such type is Alkaline water. It also has significant benefits such as skin clearing and weight loss. There are many benefits of Alkaline Water. It is even said to benefit fighting cancer, and many more such advantages. There is nothing special present in Alkaline water, and it is all about the pH level of the water. No scientific explanation has surfaced to back this theory. So, in this article, we will see the hype about whether alkaline water is worth absolute.
What is alkaline water?
Alkaline water is closely related to the pH level of the water. As you might know, the neutral value of water is 7. So, the higher the pH level of the water, the more alkaline it will be. Similarly, the lower the pH level, the more acidic it will be. Whereas, Alkaline water has a pH value close to 9 which is greater than normal water or tap water which has a pH value of around 7. The theory says drinking alkaline water counteracts the extra acidity present in our body and possesses many such health benefits.
Making of Alkaline Water
The first thing you should check to identify alkaline water to is that it must have a pH value of more than 7.
And to know that, we have two ways, the natural way, and the artificial way.
- Natural Process
Naturally, the water becomes alkaline when it passes over several rocks present across springs, as it picks up minerals along the way. This also increases its alkaline level. - Artificial Process
Artificially, it can be done in a lab using several chemicals and other components if you want to convert normal water into alkaline water. After mixing these substances, you can successfully make them alkaline. It sounds simple, but it’s not that simple. The chemical process through which is called electrolysis. In this process, the current is passed through a substance to effect a chemical change. To make the water more alkaline, an ionizer is use to increase the pH level of normal water by infusing it with electricity to separate the molecules in the water that are more acidic by adding alkaline compounds such as minerals and salts.
Benefits of Alkaline Water
While it has not been proved scientifically, but various proponents of alkaline water claim to believe in the following benefits of alkaline water:
- Helps in boosting immunity.
- Contains magnesium and calcium both of which are important for maintaining healthy bones.
- It is said to have anti-aging properties.
- The water molecules in alkaline water are smaller and readily absorbed by the cells which help
the body to re-hydrate quickly. - May lower high blood pressure and blood sugar.
- It neutralizes the acidity content in our body by lowering the excessive acid content formed in
our stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
Side-effects of using Alkaline Water
- Excess use of alkaline water may cause gastrointestinal issues and skin irritations.
- Too much consumption may ruin the natural acids of the stomach killing the good bacteria.
Where can you buy Alkaline Water?
Alkaline water is sold in many grocery stores as well as online. It can also be made at home by using baking soda which constitutes a pH level of 9. It can be used to make alkaline water. Adding a half
tablespoon of baking soda to four litres of water can make it alkaline. Adding one teaspoonful of
lemon to a glass of water can make the water more alkaline as the body digests it.
Significantly, every person has a different body type. And each body type has different requirements of pH levels of water depending upon their needs. So it’s not so bad to think about your health. But if you want to switch to alkaline water it is recommended you should consult a doctor before switching.